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Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez

Oct 8, 2019

New York City based storyteller Annie Tan on the delicate balance between meeting her immigrant parents’ expectations, and finding her own way.

Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez podcast is a production of 80 Minutes Around the World Immigration Stories

Closing Credits Music is Cerises by Löhstana David,...

Oct 1, 2019

Chicago based storyteller Alana Murphy shares her experience working as a refugee advocate, and the history of the US Refugee Admissions Program. 

You can find out more about Alana's work at

Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez podcast is a production of 80 Minutes Around the World Immigration...

Aug 13, 2019

New York City architect and storyteller Danny Forster connects with his immigration story, in his moment of grief and loss. 

Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez podcast is a production of 80 Minutes Around the World Immigration Stories

Closing Credits Music is Cerises by Löhstana David, provided by Jamendo.

Jul 30, 2019

Chicago based writer Kristen Rader shares her Spanish immigration story - generously opening our conversation on finding empathy for those seeking shelter and safety in the United States, while checking one's privilege.

Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez podcast is a production of 80 Minutes Around the World...

Jul 23, 2019

Chicago storyteller Jitesh Jaggi shares his funny and heartwarming story on his first encounter with winter in Chicago, bringing attention to the multitude of needs of the immigrant community.

You can reach Jitesh by email

Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez podcast is a production of